Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Video Editing

"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change" – Charles Darwin

Okay, I'm really enjoying all this blogging we've been doing the last few weeks. I find myself thinking about topics and wondering what you all will be writing all day long. You all have really caught on and some of you are beginning to realize the potential of this medium for getting your ideas out there. You are at the beginning of a real change in the way students learn and express themselves.
Today's assignments:
1. I want you to leave me a comment where you finish this sentence: " Yesterday, I realized for the first time..."
2. Go to Atomic Learning and log on. Navigate to the For Sale pt. 3 section and watch the videos for Collecting Images, Building a timeline, and finishing the project. Make sure that you have the storyboards finished before starting this step.


Shaggy said...

I was the one who had to stay in the detention room during lunch to eat but forgot so i missed it.

ello-poppet said...

yester day i realized....that some people don't realize that my realigion isn't what i thought that they thought. It made me said cause i got told what i was supposed to do in my realigion, which was not true. so it made me mad that that person would acually say that and they aren't even part of my religion. oh well i can deal. seya mister m.

tigerbr4 said...

That it was almost the day that i had to get a assiment in for engish and i was in big trouble by my mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bob said...

It is fun to play in the auditorium and hide from the teacher

Hippie girl said...

how to make my blogs more efficent.

ktm said...

i realvide that Tyler was in track to wo .

i am the ling ling' said...

Yesterday I just realized that didn't actually not go to school for the right reason. I went to my grandpas branding to help with the cows but i went in to get a drink and my aunt left me to babysit. That was not why i went to my grandpas. well bye!

angelanna said...

Yesterday for the first time I notice that was the only one eating chocolate and drinking strawberry milk!

Chris said...

i relised that i had to do an asinement in english

wonderfred said...

i realized that I can find really good hiding places in the auditorium. I could hide forevere and never get found. Pretty cool huh?

vandalin11 said...

yesterday i realized that i could drink choclate milk up a straw and into my nose but then i coufed it up and that was not very funny so i did it again

Bubbles said...

Yesterday I realized that... I relaized that I didn't do the right thing of being mean to another student.

B.K. said...

yestorday I relised for the first time how bad chiled abusing can realy be because I am reading a story called A CHILED CALLED IT this book so far is intoresting and the things that she did to that little boy I could not have imagind like when she made him swalow some Amonya she evean stabed him in the stumik and she dosnot feed him that makes me think because I thought that chiled abusing was like not feading them or somthing like that

barbie said...

I rilized yeastersday that i they were talking about me.