Thursday, February 19, 2009

7th science

Did you know? Einstein needed 10 hours of sleep per night to function; 12 hours of sleep if he was going to work on physics!
Today's Agenda:
  • Pendulum lab
  • analyze data
  • draw conclusions

Bellringer: on a sheet of scratch paper, take the followning quiz

1. Robert Bakker is a famous paleontologist. What did he study? A. Gorillas, B. Birds, C. Dinosaurs
2. Which of the following animals did Diane Fossey spend her life protecting? A. Bengal Tigers, B. Mountain Gorillas, C. Koalas
3. What does a herpetologist study? A. Insects, B. Birds, C. Reptiles
4. What does a lepidopterist study? A. Beetles, B. Bees and wasps, C. Moths and butterflies
5. Which of the following scientists would study motion, forces, & energy? A. Physicist, B. Chemistry, C. Biologist

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