Friday, April 27, 2007


Hey kids, today I want you to discuss how you think technology will change in the next 10 years. Post your discussion to your blog. Please use some specific examples and remember that you can add pictures and other links in your discussion. Also send me a comment where you answer this question: If you could vote today, who would you vote for in the next presedential election and why. Here's a couple of links to get you started.,_2008


ello-poppet said...

I don't know much about politics or anything in that pin for that matter but I do think that i would vote for the girl who everyone thinks that will run. I think that her name is Hilary. I would vote for her because she would be the first president of the United States of America. I would like to see what a woman could do about the daily problems Americans face.

i am the ling ling' said...

Honestly, I would probably vote for......Carrie Underwood. Even though she is young adn a woman, I would still vote for her because she would probably make a really good president. Plus other people would probably second that vote.

tigerbr4 said...

I do not know what the people are.So that means that i dont know who i want to vote for

Hippie girl said...

If I could vote I would probably vote for our same president. I like his opinions.

Bubbles said...

I don't know much about politics or anything but I would probably vote just to vote. I wouldn't take it as like a joke or anything. I would vote for the best one.

Chris said...

if i could vote i would vote for bush. i like his opinions on stuff

B.K. said...

I dont know how was in the last runing and I could not find any of there web sits but the person that I would vot for would have to be a person that would not only have to mack changes but he would also have some good backgrounds that would be a good president to me!

bob said...

I want Tommy Thompson to win because I like him

yamaha rider said...

I would vote for Tommy Thompson he sounds like the best one.

Shaggy said...

Tommy Thompson for presidant because he looks like he could of had experince in the feild of stuff and because i dont really no alot about that sort of thing.

vandalin11 said...

tommy tomson is who i would vote for becouse he graduated from the university of wisconsin and he is a distant cousing of cobin.

barbie said...

if i could vote today i could vote for any one that has the right for being the president

ktm said...

i would ceep bush in office hes done very good for so far go bush or james thompson

wonderfred said...

I would vote for Tommy Tompson because he souds like he would be good