Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Friday's Activities For GIS Class

Hey, if it's not Friday you shouldn't be reading this and you need to go to Thursday's post. If it is Friday, you're in the right spot.
Girls, try this scavenger hunt today.
Boys, here's one for you.

Thursday's Activities for GIS Class

Well guys and girls, I hope that you will have fun with these links over the next few days in class.
The first activity is to go here and watch the different "How it's made" videos. When you're finished, go to the "think about it" questions to test your knowledge. Watch as many videos as you can during the period.
With about 5 minutes left in the period, leave a comment on my post today where you tell me what you think about the site. Also include something that you learned by viewing the site.
Have Fun and be good.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

MS District Track Meet Today

There's a lot of kids gone today for the middle school district track meet so I'm going to post some of the things we covered in class today.
GIS students go here for some really cool science games. We are continuing our work on the 8th grade graduation Video.
6th, 7th and 8th grade science: We're continuing our discussion on Earth's weather. We demonstrated how the seasons change here on Earth. Important vocab words are:
Equinox and Solstice.
During the spring and summer equinox, times for daylight and night are equal.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. For the Northern hemisphere that is June 21. For the southern hemisphere it is December 21.
The winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year. For the Northern hemisphere that is December 21 and for the Southern hemisphere it is June 21.
A solstice occurs when either the North or South Pole is pointed more towards the Sun.

We watched a pretty informative video on the Sun/Earth system and how the seasons change.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Monday...3 weeks left before summer!

Okay 6th graders...we are still working on the school for sale project. If you have your photos, keep working on the video. If you are still waiting for the camera, work on the weather scavenger hunt. Try this Scientific Method Scavenger Hunt.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Guns in Schools

School shootings are one of the most horrible things plaguing our society today. Who know what motives these people have. I couldn't imagine someone being so tormented that they would want to cause harm to innocent children. Were does it all start? Is there something that "school shooters" have in common? Maybe if we looked hard enough at the problem, we would be able to see a solution. Today I want you to leave a comment on this post where tell me about a time that you were bullied or you bullied someone. You don't have to use names, just describe what happened. Then, read the Guns in School article. After you've read the article, reflect on the issue and post a response in your blog. Discuss the problem and some solutions. Maybe you could find some interesting links about violence in schools that you could add your post as well. Make sure that you comment on at least 3 other blogs.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Video Projects

7th and 8th graders:
Well, we have lot's of stuff going on today. The 8th grade GIS class is making a class video, using personal and class pictures. They are learning to use Windows Movie maker. The most time consuming part is scanning all those pictures in the computer. If you are an 8th grade student visiting this site in class try the Weather Internet Scavenger Hunt. You can print out the worksheet and write your answers as you go.

Have fun!

6th Tech Students start here:
We are moving forward with our "For Sale" project. I don't know who was supposed to take the camera today, but we'll get that worked out. Before you can move on to part 3, you have to have your storyboards printed out and in hand. Use the storyboards to guide your photography.
For those of you who are done with your storyboards and are not taking pictures today:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite food is and who makes it the best.
2. The topic for your blog today is: "The funniest thing that's ever happened to me". Tell me the story, and I want details. Use what you've learned in writing (6trait writing).
3. Make sure and leave comments on at least 3 other classmates' blogs for today.
4. Still need something to do? Follow the Weather Internet Scavenger Hunt link above, print out the worksheet and do the scavenger hunt. Extra credit in science for having it completed tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Video Editing

"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change" – Charles Darwin

Okay, I'm really enjoying all this blogging we've been doing the last few weeks. I find myself thinking about topics and wondering what you all will be writing all day long. You all have really caught on and some of you are beginning to realize the potential of this medium for getting your ideas out there. You are at the beginning of a real change in the way students learn and express themselves.
Today's assignments:
1. I want you to leave me a comment where you finish this sentence: " Yesterday, I realized for the first time..."
2. Go to Atomic Learning and log on. Navigate to the For Sale pt. 3 section and watch the videos for Collecting Images, Building a timeline, and finishing the project. Make sure that you have the storyboards finished before starting this step.